Pastor Mang Thang
Founder of Myanmar Harvest Church
A testimony of how I became a minister in the God's Kingdom Services
My father passed away in 1982 when I was just two yrs old, and We suffered a lot, one by one was getting sick, after the death of our dear daddy. We lost all our domestic animals, being offered to the idols in search of healing and peace at home. Not even one Christian was there, and no gospel work was allowed in the village, during those days.
My Name is Mang Thang. I was born in 1980, June. My father is Late Mr U Thang Naing and mother Daw Hkey Thang at Ohn Village, Kanpetlet Tsp, Chin State, Myanmar. I have seven siblings, three girls and four boys. My father passed away in 1982 when I was just two yrs old, and We suffered a lot, one by one was getting sick, after the death of our dear daddy.
We lost all our domestic animals, being offered to the idols in search of healing and peace at home. Not even one Christian was there, and no gospel work was allowed in the village, during those days.
My second sister was suffering from pain in the leg for almost six years at that time. When the evangelists reached our village, she was the first one to accept Christ in her life. Then, we slowly come to the knowledge of our living God.
In 1996, I accepted Christ as my Lord and personal saviour and embraced Christianity during a gospel crusade nearby my village. There was an altar call for full-time ministry.
Being, son of a poor widow, I aimed to become a successful businessman. To fund my studies, I had to do odd jobs after school So. I couldn't get a good education too.
I finished my school in 2001, then totally I was committed my life to business and was going all over Myanmar for business purpose. I earned money and profits, but there were many problems which I had to face.
There I saw, many miracles in my life and God was always standing with me in all my troubles. That made me change my life and realising His Love in my life. So, I dedicated my life to full-time ministry. In 2003 I went to India to do my theological studies.
I did my Bachelor of Theology, B.Th in Hubli, Karnataka from 2003 to 2005. Further, I did my Master of Divinity, M.Div in Parassala, Kerala from 2006 to 2008. I also pursued my Master of Theology, M.Th in Chennai, Tamil Nadu in 2009.
Then, I came back to Myanmar and got married in 2009 and started Church ministry in September 2009, and I became a full-time
minister for His Kingdom Services. I praise God for His leading throughout my life.
© Myanmar Harvest Church 2018